Maximise your Australian 2019 public holidays

Are you needing a break from work? Have you been wishing you could go on an overseas holiday but don’t think you have the time? The calendar gods are with you in 2019. This is one of those rare years where you can maximise the Aussie public holidays to take extended holiday leave whilst having minimal days off work.
The upcoming 2019 Australian National Public Holidays are:
• Friday, 19 April – Good Friday
• Monday, 22 April – Easter Monday
• Thursday, 25 April – ANZAC Day
• Wednesday, 25 December – Christmas Day
• Thursday, 26 December – Boxing Day
• Wednesday, 1 January 2020 – New Year’s Day
Easter is just around the corner and that four-day long weekend break arrives the week before ANZAC day. This means we only need to take three days of annual leave to get a ten day holiday. This is the best strategic holiday hack for the year - Friday, 19th April until Sunday, 28th April. With school holidays on for most states at this period as well, escape the busyness of the local holiday destinations and head overseas to refresh the mind.
You might be reluctant to go overseas because of the perceived high cost. However, there are always great destination trip airfares available at any time of the year. Often travelling to one of our neighbouring Asian countries can be cheaper than taking a break somewhere within Australia. You can also keep costs down by paying for any of the big-ticket expenses in advance through direct payments to their bank accounts. You’ll be surprised to find out that many accommodation places, tour groups or rental car companies accept direct payments to their bank accounts. Transferring money through a dedicated online currency provider like Flash Payments, will mean paying no transfer fees and getting a highly competitive exchange rate. Using your credit card to settle bills whilst overseas will definitely incur hefty transfer fees and poor currency conversion rates. Don’t eat into your hard-earned money with fees. The more you save the more holiday money you have to enjoy.
If you think you have missed the boat for the April holidays, there is plenty of time to plan an amazing trip at the end of the year. From Saturday, 19th December until Monday, 6th January, you can take just seven working days off to get more than a two week (sixteen day) holiday break. It is a simple hack to get a substantial holiday with a few strategically booked days of leave.
With this end of the year break you’ll have more time up your sleeve to plan and organise. Don’t forget to keep track of the destination currency exchange rate with the Australia Dollar. If you like to take a little cash with you on the trip, keep informed of the rates with us. An email will be sent to help you take advantage of any favourable rates so you can convert your money prior to leaving. The worst place you can exchange money is at an Airport.
The way the 2019 Australian public holidays happen this year only comes around every once in awhile. You only need to take minimal time off work to maximise your holidays this year. Time to take advantage and go on that overseas holiday you always wanted to.
With no transfer fees and competitive exchange rates, Flash Payments will help you save on your next overseas adventure.